An exhibition of video, performance, sound and sculpture of local artists inspired by the work of Tools For Solidarity.
Magic spread through the Edenderry Mill on the night of February 3rd, when people from Belfast gathered to attend ‘In Tools’, the very first art event held by Tools for Solidarity.
Local artists and volunteers joined forces to create art representing and inspired by the purpose of the organization: collect and refurbish tools and sewing machines that are then sent to partner organisations in Tanzania to give impulse to the country’s development.
The workshop was exceptionally transformed in an animated art gallery, where visitors could admire sculptures, painting, photography and projections while getting an in depth knowledge of Tools for Solidarity thanks to the enthusiastic volunteers-turned-tour-guides. Music by TCBOO showed guests that tools do have many different lives.
Works from Ben Allen, Paddy Bloomer, Katie Blue, Charlotte Bosanquet, Martin Boyle, Martin Carter, Fiona Goggin, Kirsti Kotilainen, Miguel Martin, Helen McDonnell, Tonya McMullan, Jennie Nash, Ryan O’Reilly, Sam Ruscica and Ross Wilson.
View the exhibition’s gallery here
Tools for Solidarity would like to thank Sign Co., Belfast City Council, Catalyst Arts, PLACE, Wickerman, Mourne Grange Camphill Community and all our volunteers for their efforts in making this event happen.