Last Shipment to MSTC

Hello to everyone!

As you probably know, we had a shipment last week. Tools For Solidarity sent his 9th container to the MSTC (Mwanza Sewing and Training Centre). It was quite a bit of hard work for all of our volunteers because of the moving to the new workshop, so we are delighted to archive both at the same time.


This shipment contained 270 sewing machines, included 10 knitting machines that are going to be used by people with disability, 7 industrial machines and much more working material which included tools, books and spares for the MSTC. We are also already thinking about the next shipment next month, which will be our first container to our new project in Uganda with The Women Rights Iniciative (WORI). So, you will have news very soon!

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Also, there has been a lot of changes in the last few months in TFS: we had leavings and arrivals, so in the next days you will have the opportunity to say goodbye and hello to our former and new volunteers. 

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