New activity in the ESD programme

On February 3rd, the Education for Sustainable Development group (ESD) debuted a new activity, The Fair Trade Cocoa Game. The activity took place at Cliftonville Integrated Primary School (Belfast) with the P6 classroom.

The ESD had been wanting to implement a new activity related to this topic for quite some time. When the teacher informed us that the students had been studying Fair Trade for the past few weeks, we considered it the perfect opportunity.

The general objective of the game is to experience the injustice of the current market system and recognize the benefits of buying fair trade products.

The game consists of a role-play where, during 60-75 minutes, the children have to work from the position of the farmers, the companies, the supermarket and the shoppers. At this time the students can feel the unfair situation of the farmers versus the Big Chocolate Company and the better deal that the Fair Trade Company gives to the farmers. They also feel the benefits that the Cooperative Farmers receive compared to the Independent Farmers.

During the development of the game and the final discussion, we could see that the children felt the unfair distribution of money, the injustice imposed on farmers by big companies, and the benefits of buying fair trade.

The members of the ESD and the school are very satisfied with the results of the game based on feedback from the teacher and students. Now we are thinking about the possibility of adding a whole new session to the program specifically for The Fair Trade Cocoa Game.

Please contact us for more information. We are very happy to work with your school!!


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